Reunion Comments
The WRHS 50th Reunion Committee
The WRHS 50th Reunion Committee
Chuck Hitt, Ernie Eason,Audrey Diaz Brugger, Laurie Parker Eason, Carolyn Harrington,Carol Eckland March, Cindy Braden, Claudia Smaldone Miller, Marcia Wilson Clark, Gary Clark, Suzanne Conyers Stanfield, Bill Hessin, Kent Ingram (not shown: Christy Patrick, Linda Jones, Beverly Boyce Winter)

On behalf of the Reunion Committee, thanks to everyone for your kind comments. We worked hard, but had fun, too, creating a most enjoyable event with lots of variety to celebrate our fantastic Class of 1967!
I had SO MUCH FUN tonight [at Friday’s Farmer Barn]! Thanks to all committee members for all [of your] time and effort – Bobbi Himes
The committee has really out-done themselves this time. The reunion has been wonderful. I'm so looking forward to the alumni/WRHS concert today, not to mention the banquet tonight and the picnic tomorrow! – Cherie Ohlsson (on Saturday morning)
Great job by all! – Vikki Porter
I'm totally enjoying the reunion activities and can't thank all those who made it happen enough! –Tim Willison
Thanks to all the committee members and everyone who attended and made for a very fun evening! – Craig Wilson
This was such a fun concert! Great to play with the current WRHS Wind Symphony!  Ralph Hinst (class of ’53) conducting the Stars and Stripes Forever was the highlight of the concert! Thanks for the opportunity! Wonderful that we had such a super audience for our performance! – Debbie Zderko Freeland (flute, Class of ’71)

The old guys from our class sounded great – Jim Overholt
It was a wonderful concert! Thanks for putting it together and thanks for ALL of your hard work! The reunion was so special and so much fun!!! – Lisa & Robb Griffin
It was just so fun to get down and see and play with some of my old friends and in the old auditorium.  And with Ralph Hinst.  Well, it just couldn't have been better.  Great job Ernie, Suzanne, Chuck and all the others [in] getting it organized.  I'll never hear Hey Jude again without thinking of that solo -- me being the only string on stage. Just like it used to be.  And thanks for the commemorative mug. Real nice. Thanks again my friends.  -- Bill Schneider (string bass, Class of ’67)

The concert was the highlight of the weekend for me. This was very special. The Impossible Dream brought me to tears. Everyone did such a marvelous job. And the tour of the school was terrific. They are losing a one-in-a-million principal this year. Thanks to everyone for all their hard work putting this fantastic reunion together. – Cherrie Ohlsson

The concert was a great idea!  Thank you for the hard work in making it happen.  Not only a tribute to Mr. Hinst and Mr. Wallace, acknowledging the magic they had with teaching music to kids, [it was also] a positive impact on the current music education at WRHS.  The program delighted the senses - a bright spot on a dismal, rainy day! … Your continued dedication to the art of music gives joy to many!  Thank you!  Thank you! "Music is, indeed, a lifelong experience!"  -- Linda Larson (Class of ’65)
Congratulations again on all your hard work for a perfect reunion. So much fun! -- Chuck Hitt
Kerry and I just wanted to tell you how fantastic the events of the reunion were!  … We realize that it was months and months of commitment and logistics arrangement.  Please just know that it could not have been more perfect. -- Linda Wheeler Hada

What a great reunion weekend!  Thank you to the steering committee and reunion committee members who worked for months putting special touches on all the events.  We attended the Friday night "Barn", the concert on Saturday and the Saturday night dinner.  All events were fantastic.  So much work went into the little things like decorations, centerpieces, WRHS mugs and the schedule of events.  It was all appreciated.  It really was fun to reconnect with everyone.  Ernie Eason, the concert was so enjoyable.  To think there was an age span of 70 years on that stage is remarkable.  Thank you for making it possible.  The memorial tribute on Saturday night was very touching and sobering.  It was very well done and a moving tribute to those who have left us.  And Laurie Parker Eason, you seemed to be everywhere all weekend making sure all was in order as well as being the person sending the emails ahead of time.  Thank you for all of your energy.  None of this would have happened without all of you who planned all the events.  Dave and I send our heartfelt thanks to all of you. Until next time........ Kathy Jansen Dirks

The compilation videos of our three years at WRHS, that ran at last night's dinner, were spectacular! – Bower Yousse

I’d like to thank the entire committee for the hard work they put into organizing such a wonderful reunion. Your efforts were certainly appreciated. -- Susan Koonsman (Owen)

I want to take a moment to congratulate all of you on the fantastic job you did in organizing and pulling off a great and successful reunion event!!  Over a year of planning paid off.  The financial aspect and fund raising efforts were extraordinary in comparison to most other HS reunions. The venues, decorations, food and beverage availability were all top notch. Kudos to you volunteers.  It dawned on me at the Saturday night event how much effort from so many had been expended. The slide show, memorial and in particular the lobby display with memorabilia and newspaper clippings moved me. So … a "tip of the hat" to a job well done! -- Doug Kline

We have such amazing classmates. The committee gave us a fantastic reunion weekend. I enjoyed so much listening to everyone and their life stories. I am happily exhausted [but] I need do overs! I didn’t get to chat with lots of those on the reunion attendee list. – Beverly Bistline Hopp

Larry and I want to thank you all SO MUCH for your helping to put on this year's class re-union!  Seeing old friends becomes more and more precious each time, as we grow older. It was a great effort on everyone's part to get the places reserved, the events lined up, and to make everyone feel welcomed! You did so well, Bravo to all of you! -- Louise Buck Malloy

The reunion was special, and [it was] so wonderful hearing all the old stories and new developments in our classmates lives. I personally [applaud] all that came, and the bonds of WRHS 67 class [are] now even more special, at least from my standpoint. --  Kent Ingram 

Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed the reunion both Friday and Saturday evening.  Thank you so much for all your dedication and hard work in visioning and executing such a successful plan. The committee did a fantastic job, and the successful results paid off. It was thrilling to re-connect with folks we hadn't seen in so many years. -- Judy Mornin Flom

Thank you so much for all your hard work you all did for a great reunion. Good job to all involved. Thank you, -- John Sites.

I think this reunion was by far the best we have had. [It] was a very special reunion! – Claudia Smaldone Miller

Thanks again all you great Farmers!!  [It was] an emotionally draining but fantastic, successful reunion.  I echo everyone's sentiments when I thank you. It was a great thing to reconnect and with some of you, to get to know you for the first time! I can't thank everyone enough for doing such a great job.  It was very meaningful and I am grateful.  – Carol Eckland March

It is definitely a letdown to have the reunion behind us. I loved every minute of it, and every person I talked with. Really felt it. [The Committee] all deserve huge applause. You were so thorough in your planning! Thank you for letting me be a part of it.  -- Bower Yousse
As already expressed by so many, what a wonderful reunion we had!  Great commitment and team work by the committee … such dedication!  We have a lot to be proud of, Farmers!   -- Audrey Diaz Brugger

I, too, would like to thank each of you for all you did to make our Fantastic, Fabulous Fiftieth Reunion just that!!  Old friendships have been renewed and new ones formed!! Thank you all for that too!! -- All the best, Carolyn Harrington

[The finale] was a cold picnic, but it was the end of two years of work building new lasting friendships and bringing everyone together. Let it be known if you didn't make it, you were missed by someone and possibly many. We were a great group of kids in the late 60's -- products of the greatest generation with a strong work ethic and the desire to succeed. We had a great time this weekend.  – Suzanne Conyers Stanfield

I'd like to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who worked on the committee as well as those who made the effort to attend.  This was my first opportunity to attend one of the reunions, and I had a great time.  I'm sorry I didn't get to see everyone who was there - it was too easy to get into conversations that seemed to keep bringing up old memories and events!  Anyway, I look forward to another opportunity to get together in a couple of years.  I'm sure we'll all need a shoulder to cry on as we hit the big 7 0.
 -- Tim Willison

And a HUGE thank you to you committee members.  I mean, wow, what an event.  So great to see everyone, even if Saturday night didn’t work out for us to be there, it was WONDERFUL to see and re-connect with so many old/new friends.  You guys are all in my heart forever! A MILLION thanks again! – Judy Johnson Wolfe

You folks did a great job putting on the entire reunion. THANK YOU  -- Gary Griffith

It was a lot of fun and I want to thank all the committee members as they did a wonderful job of putting this all together.  Those who did not attend missed a great event. --  Karen Toscano Yeager